Hello Again....

Hello Blogiverse!

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything, in fact it's been a whole year which is incredible and it is incredibly rubbish that I haven't posted anything in so long but I do have my reasons! Primarily my job kept me extremely busy and, unfortunately for this blog, took up the majority of my cooking energy and secondly I fell pregnant and have had my beautiful son, Finn.
I hope now, in between nap time and nappy changes, to be able to get back into running this blog with more posts about life here in Amsterdam and plenty of new recipes.

So now it's 2018 I've updated the blog's look, which I am pretty chuffed with, and I aim to up my photo game too! I have taken steps to keep up with the cool kids and joined Instagram and you can follow me @saminthedam86.

I will leave you for now with a sneak peak from my next post which is a recipe for Carrot Cake!


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